Posted in Education

Personalised Education

In the video below, Sir Ken Robinson talks about two interesting aspects for Education to be followed in our schools

  • Education needs to be personalised
  • Music, Dance, Art and Theatre are as important as Science, languages and Mathematics

It is very interesting to note that both of these are currently absent in our Indian education system. All schools follow a standardised syllabus and in almost all schools the subjects of art and music are of lower priority.

Before we try to come to a solution, it is important to  see why Sir Ken Robinson makes these  two statements .

Why should education be personalised?

  • Will it help the child to follower her interests?
  • Will it help the child to develop in the area she is interested in while exposing her to a wide variety of subjects?
  • Will it make learning a longer term commitment for the child as the purpose is to follow her interests?

Why should arts be given equal priority?

  • Will it help the child to develop her creative side of the brain?
  • Will it help the child to think for herself and make better decisions?
  • Will it help her to enjoy life more and thereby reduce crimes in society?


We do not need to wait for research to answer the questions. Let us look around? How does an art or a music class feel compared to a science class?  How do you feel after visiting an Art school when compared to an engineering college?

Here is  the video



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