Posted in Education

The Schooling dichotomy

Again cannot be without posting on the dichotomy in education scenario in our country.

We have schools which provide midday meals to students for them to come to school and we have schools which need admissions to be blocked when you are pregnant.

We have schools where kids do not see a teacher for the entire day and schools where there are two teachers and three assistants in a class of 20

We have schools where kids have three computers for 50 odd students and schools where lego programming and tabs are normal for every student.

We have schools where parents drop their kids in cars and GPS tracker buses and schools where children need to walk miles without slippers on.

No fault of the kids, no difference in their intelligence , no difference in their abilities, just a random occurence of their birth in a particular circumstance. I am not sure if any other living species consciously creates such level of dichotomy in their social structure and do nothing or very little about it.

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