Posted in Education

The beautiful Minds

What do you think the students studying in the under-privileged government schools think like?
Before teaching such a classroom, I was of the opinion that the students will take time to grasp, will be mostly quiet and will need repetitive instructions to get them to do something.

My assumptions were fundamentally shaken once I entered the classroom. Their problem is the system and not anything else. They are a mix of smiling, jumping, naughty and shy like any classroom in the world. They grasp things as fast (perhaps faster) than the high end school classrooms. They understand a language not regularly spoken (I speak English with bit of Kannada in a fully Kannada medium school) and teach me Kannada translation for common terms.

The students are self reliant, they share their food and clean the school themselves. They work on computers , participate in plays and dances and enjoy their school time like any other student. So if you by any chance have the opinion that students in under-resourced schools are group of low morale and sad children please remove that assumption from your minds.




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