Posted in Education

Education with Money

We have been talking about under-resourced schools and helping them out. Does that mean the schools which charge money and can afford educational resources are performing much better in terms of achieving the right outcomes from education?

I have my doubts here. Like any commodity, education through schools also follow the law of marginal utility . While the basic social connections and know-how of basic math, science and languages are extremely useful and these opportunities to learn if missed creates a big void in the development of a child – beyond this, if the minds are not nurtured to enable the children to pursue their interests and unleash their creativity, the classrooms becomes useless with mere physical existence.

And here is where the so called well to do private schools become irrelevant and useless. Some of them advertise about the child’s all round development with horse-riding , swimming facilities etc but they do not focus on coaching and making it a creative experience and enabling learning, wonder and emotional growth of the child’s mind.

We need to rethink and go back to the philosophical aspects of education, need for learning, purpose and going beyond skill development as the focus in all of our schools.

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